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Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Hawthorne Vision Center the leading provider of vision care products and services in Portland.

Nina | Administrative Lead/ Optician

Nina has worked as an optician in several cities but is a Portland native. She believes that a frame is a personal reflection of style and with over 15 years experience she loves helping people find their new look. Just ask to see her Pinterest board of optical fashion! She takes pride in the precise and detailed work that is required of an optician. When not at work, you will find her hiking and swimming with her giant rescue pooch and planning her next adventure to travel the world.

Matt | Optician/ Technician

Matthew is a native Oregonian born in Albany. He started in the optical field in 2013 and enjoys all areas of patient care including helping with your glasses or getting patients prepped for the doctor. Outside of work, he enjoys movies, the occasional video game, sports are a big part of his life. Make sure to chat about your favorite team if you get the opportunity to work with Matthew.

Jaron | Optician

Meet Jaron. He comes to us from Chicago with 6+ years of experience in the optical field. Since his move, he has enjoyed all of the great hiking spots Oregon has to offer. In his free time, Jaron enjoys rooting on his favorite teams, the St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Blues. He also enjoys searching through antique shops to find hidden treasures. Jarons friendly smile and outgoing personality sure to make you feel at home here at HVC!

Christie | Optician

Christie is newer to Hawthorne Vision Center, but definitely not new to the optical world. She has been an optician for over 23 years. She loves creating that one on one relationship with each individual patient and gives the utmost care to your frames and optical needs. She is a team player and has a caring and kind demeanor. She has hard working and loves to stay busy while being a positive energy around the office. We are so excited to have her on board and can not wait to share her positivity with you all!

John | Bookkeeper

John helps us with our payroll and accounts payable.